Technologies, PLC was founded in Ethiopia in 2015 with the vision and
commitment to help realize universal access to efficient and clean energy for all - first, in Ethiopia while we establish and ramp up our operations and then in the larger African continent. Headquartered in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Abramba designs and manufactures renewable and efficient energy products that meet (and often exceed) global and local quality and performance standards.
As our name implies (Abramba, a portmanteau formed from two Amharic words - "abra" meaning light up and "amba" meaning mesa or plateau, roughly translates as "light up the place"), we aim to help provide light to those that lack access to basic lighting/electricity. However, our aim is not just limited to providing lighting (or electricity, in general), albeit providing reliable, clean-energy lighting is in and of itself an important component of our goal. A more fundamentally important aspect of the Abramba project is the belief that investing in the people will have a long-term, positive impact in their quest to raise their standard of living in a sustainable fashion. Accordingly, we have made the commitment to invest in bringing capital, know-how and determination to build local high-tech design and manufacturing capacity, aligning with UN's Sustainable Development Goals (more about SDG here).
We are an impact driven technology enterprise. Leveraging the plentiful renewable and efficient energy resources - especially solar energy - available in the region, we aim to contribute to the many developmental benefits and advantages of a sustainable, vibrant economy. Our mission is to be a part of the solution to help end energy poverty in Africa. To realize our aspirations, we established Newport Spectrum Technologies, Inc. (NST) based in California, USA in 2015. Subsequently, NST provided the seed money to invest in Ethiopia in the renewable/efficient energy sector with the creation of a joint venture with a local investor (NST owns 99% of the JV). Abramba is the wholly-owned subsidiary company of NST and is the implementation partner or local operating company in Ethiopia.
The Founders
The founders are Ethiopian-Americans with broad and deep business and technical competencies. Our professional, leadership and technical experiences were gained while working at various Fortune-500 enterprises in the US, include in senior-level corporate management, finance, supply-chain, consulting, manufacturing and engineering positions. Combined, the founders have over 50 years of experience in the semiconductor, consumer electronics, and technology manufacturing industries, among many others.
Come work with us to help shape the development of the future!